The Department of Biochemistry seeks to train biochemists with a modern view of the living world and industry. The Department provides theoretical and practical training for observation of, and experimentation with living systems, particularly bio-molecules in the field, industrial settings and/or laboratories. Attention is paid particularly to the applications of biological, molecular and biochemical concepts to human and veterinary medicine, agriculture, environmental protection, service industries and biotechnology. The Department of Biochemistry is one of the eight departments that comprise the Faculty of Science. It is headed by a Head of Department whose office is located in the laboratory block of the said Faculty alongside those of the other departments. The lecture rooms for the various program offered, are shared facilities available on the main campus of Bambili. Laboratory research work and experimentations are carried out in the Biochemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Science as well as in the different laboratory facilities of HTTC, IRAD Bambui, hospitals, enterprises and other institutions with which UBa collaborates. Field work, internships and outreach are carried out in enterprise under a signed memorandum of understanding (MOU). Our strong partnership (national and international) network is key to delivering current, relevant and topical programmes to meet the needs of the sector.